This is my first post on here. It’s not published yet because I haven’t set up my website properly yet, but I already bought the domain and now what it’s gonna be about.

My name is Christian, I’m from Wels, Upper Austria, Austria, Europe and I currently weigh around 109 kg at 171cm height. I will turn 40 in October 2025 and a few days ago I made the bold decision to do train for an Ironman, which ideally I want to finish before I will turn 40.

Right now I’ve lived a very sedentary lifestyle for the past 3 years, besides walking my dog and a few glimpses at workouts, that didn’t turn out.

Quick explanation about the term ironchar, it’s what I quickly thought of after being inspired by watching ironmanclaire on TikTok.

The name CHAR has already been my work nickname/personnel code for the past 9 years. At my job they generated personnel codes with the first letter from your first name and the first 3 letters from your family name. Which meant CHAR for me, which was always funnily coincidental to me, because my profession is being a software developer, and CHAR also is a very common data type in programming languages. So it was fitting.

Most colleagues just call me char, and it was already used before in combination with other words before, like FLIPCHAR, SUPERSPORTCHAR, SLIMCHAR (the latter came from a phase where I already went through massive weight loss, but the yoyo is real).

So now I combined it with a new prefix, iron, which denotes my current bold goal to do an Ironman in 2025.