I did my morning run today, None to run Week 3 Workout 2 and it went well and felt good, although my heart rate was definitely 10-15 beats higher this time than on monday, not sure why but it also doesn’t matter. It was raining and muddy but I loved being out and not giving a shit about it, and just doing what I planned on doing, and that was run, the weather didn’t matter and my shoes were soaking wet but I don’t give a shit.

In the afternoon I did my Wahoo Systm Workout: From the Ground Up Pt 2 and it was also nice, my heart rate was normal/low and the first 30 mins were fairly easy, then it got tougher because of sitting discomfort, although I do think it is probably already better with my new saddle, but there’s still room for improvement. I’m also convinced it will get better once I lose more weight and my belly won’t be in the way as much.